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The 2020 awardees

1st place:

Szilvia Lászlóné Ladányi Déri

Title of the work: “Investigation of the regulatory role of interactions between Kir2.1 ion channel subunits in the light of a new Andersen-Tawil syndrome-causing mutation”

2nd place:

Kamilla Gömöri

Title of the work: “Preclinical testing of matrix metalloproteinase-2 inhibitory molecules for cardioprotection indication”

3rd place:

Zsófia Hajna

Title of the work: “Complex Regulatory Role of the TRPA1 Receptor in Acute and Chronic Airway Inflammation Mouse Models”

Received a certificate of recognition:
Judit Szepessy
Dr. Zoltán Balázs Zsidó
Dr. István Ádám Horváth
Dr. Ádám Horváth
Tamás Árpádffy-Lovas
Dr. Noémi Tóth