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Announcement for patron members

Dear Partner, dear Colleagues,

 Some changes were made to the bylaws and the board of the Hungarian Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology in 2019. The Society has also set new strategic courses for its partnerships. We would like to invite patron members – social or business organisations expressing an interest in providing regular and continuous funding to support the Society’s operations – to join our professional community.

Our mission is to advance pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, pharmaceutical research and innovation, including the pre-clinical and clinical development and clinical testing of medical equipment and their medicine combinations, to promote, coordinate and optimise the graduate and postgraduate training of professionals in all branches of pharmacology, to support the cultivation of all branches of pharmacology, and to establish national and international professional forums for discussing and publishing their results. One of our key priorities is to support outstanding young researchers, enhance the international status of pharmacology, enable its integration into interdisciplinary networks and build pharmaceutical research and development relationships within the industry and the academia.

As part of our Society’s professional community, patron members can place links to their own websites and advertisements and share technical information with other members on our website, and actively participate in our events. The amount of financial contribution paid by a patron member is set by him or her, but should be at least 8 times the regular membership fee, i.e. HUF 64,000 annually.  An annual contribution of HUF 200,000 or above and HUF 1,250,000 will correspond to a Gold Level Patron Membership, and a Platinum Level Patron Membership, respectively. Having a Platinum Level Patron Membership is a precondition to entering the “Medicine of the Year” contest. In addition, members at this level will also be provided with the opportunity for increased presence at events organised by the HUPHAR. The name and membership level of patron members will be published on the HUPHAR website. The financial contribution can be deducted from the annual tax base.

We would like to hereby ask you to join our Society as a patron member. You can sign up through the website, and the Board will decide on acceptance through electronic voting. Thank your for your cooperation and support.

Dr. Zsuzsanna Helyes
Secretary General

Dr. Péter Ferdinandy

Budapest, 24 January 2024